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Summer is in full bloom, and you should be too! Perhaps you’ve been looking to make some changes in your lifestyle, or maybe you just need some awesome ways to spice up your daily routine. Either way, we’re here to help. The team at VitaCup has compiled a list to ensure your summer is anything but a bummer with these seven tips and tricks to incorporate into your everyday routine!

1. Spend 5 extra minutes per day stretching: Release any pent-up tension in your body by taking just a few minutes each morning, afternoon, or night to take care of your muscles and joints. Your body will thank you!

2. Revamp your coffee routine: If you start your day with coffee, don’t settle for any bland, boring cup. Perk up your morning routine with VitaCup’s premium vitamin & superfood-infused coffee. These gourmet blends taste as amazing as they will make you feel! And speaking of coffee, adding a scoop of our new Vanilla Collagen Creamer to your cup will have your hair, skin, and nails looking shiny and healthy. 

3. Give your wardrobe a minimalist makeover: We all have those days when we declare that we have absolutely nothing to wear and then proceed to tear apart our entire closet in search of an outfit. Donate or re-sell any pieces you no longer wear to make it easier and faster to find the clothes you actually want to wear.

4. Switch to non-toxic cleaning products: Traditional cleaning products may keep all the surfaces in your home clean, but what about the air? With a few simple household items, you can make your own all-purpose cleaner free of any toxic chemicals—this change will protect not only you, but also the planet. Incorporating environmentally-friendly habits into your life is a surefire way to upgrade your summer.

5. Make to-do lists: Priorities are important. To-do lists focus your time and attention on a specific task, errand, or goal, boosting your productivity and helping you complete your daily work faster and more efficiently. To-do lists will give you more time to spend with your family, friends, or even to treat yourself to some you-time, because like we said...knowing your priorities is important. And BTW, don’t forget to kick off your to-do lists with “Make VitaCup coffee!”

6. Give affirmations to yourself: Your coffee shouldn’t be the only thing fueling your day. Practice giving yourself one positive affirmation per day because self-love never goes out of style. You can even write your daily affirmations down in a journal so you can revisit them in the future.

7. Set summer goals for yourself: Resolutions aren’t just for the New Year. Self-improvement is a year-round endeavor! Maybe you want to read one book per week, put your phone aside for an hour a day, or learn a new language. Start by ideating goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound). Whatever it is you want to accomplish, create a plan, put in the time, and make it happen. There’s no better way to make this summer yours!

It may be the middle of the season, but it’s never too late to give your summer a glow-up. Just as you energize your mind and body with coffee, energize your summer by incorporating these simple, but effective upgrades into your life!


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