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DIY Hanukkah Lights with Recycled VitaCup Pods

DIY Hanukkah Lights with Recycled VitaCup Pods

Arts and Crafts are fun for all ages! Messy toddlers finger paint, teenagers make friendship bracelets and adults, well, we make crafts out of whatever we can get our hands on - especially during the holidays...

With long hours put into shopping for Holiday gifts and Thanksgiving wrapped up, everyone has a use for their daily cup of VitaCup vitamin infused coffee. Not only are the used pods recyclable, but they can also be re-used to make a gorgeous Hanukkah decoration. Using weatherproof lights, you can even make it an outdoor Hanukkah decoration!

To get you started, we compiled a list of things to make your string of Hanukkah lights.

Materials Needed:

  • Leftover VitaCup pods - filter and lid removed and rinsed clean
  • Blue and Gold Paint (or whichever colors you'd like most!)
  • Thin and thick paintbrushes
  • Tin Foil
  • A knife, X-Acto knife, or scissors
  • String Lights

Art supplies for DIY Hannukah Craft.

Once you've gathered your materials, you can go ahead an get started.


  • Make sure your pods are clean and dry
DIY Hannukah Art Project Preparation.
  • Use a knife (or scissors) to CAREFULLY poke a hole in the middle of the pod. After trial and error, we had the most comfortable time cutting through the middle inside portion with scissors. Again, this job is for the parent!
  • Paint each pod the base color you prefer with a broad brush (2 coats are best!)
Painted reused  coffee pod ready for Hannukah lights craft
  • Once dried thoroughly, paint a layer of gold glitter to add some sparkle!
Cover the pods all the way with a good coat!
  • Once the glitter coat is dried, draw any Hanukkah letters or decor onto the pod you'd like using a thin paintbrush.
Paint Hebrew letters on each pod for your DIY Hannukah lights!
  • Once thoroughly dry, push the light bulbs from the string light through each pod as desired (we skipped bulbs and did every other one.
Stringing the Holiday lights
  • Hang or display your masterpiece anywhere you'd like! Maybe even next to a Menorah?
DIY Hannukah lights are a perfect decoration to go with your Menorah.

    We hope this helped you feel a little more Eco-Friendly and festive this holiday season while providing a fun craft for kids and adults!

    If you do decide to give this article a try, please send us a picture or let us know on our social media accounts or in the comment section.


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