Recent studies have caused many in medical circles to believe that coffee helps fight obesity – we launched Slim Blend with this belief back in 2018 and it’s already become a top seller. Slim Blend not only relies on coffee to help fight obesity but is infused with Garcinia Cambogia, and Panax ginseng to help drinkers feel fuller for longer.
A study conducted by the Washington University School of medicine by a group of international researchers found that the consumption of coffee had a direct impact on weight loss. The researchers examined the relationship between coffee consumption and body weight in both men and women and the results were astonishing.
The study found that women who drink two or three cups of coffee a day had a lower total body fat than those who drank less. Women ages 20-44 who consumed 2-3 cups of coffee per day had -3.4% lower body fat percentage than non-coffee drinkers. Women ages 45-69 who drank four or more cups had 4.1% lower body fat than non-coffee drinkers. [1]
With this information in mind, take your fitness goals a step further and try incorporating 2-3 cups of the Slim Blend per day to kickstart your wellness goals. Slim was formulated by a dietitian to give you a leg-up when shaping up in the form of appetite support and a metabolism boost.
This satisfying medium roast is loaded with the following skinny boosters:
Garcinia Cambogia - Naturally derived from the rind, this exotic fruit extract works hand-in-hand with your fitness routine to give you a leg up on shaping up.
Panax Ginseng - A widely adored herbal root cultivated in Asian regions, this rockstar antioxidant is also an adaptogen to be reckoned with.
Vitamins - This powerhouse blend contains vitamins B1, B5, B6, B9, & B12 for you to give you a brilliant combination of nutrients to power your body.
The bodacious Slim Blend is available in 3 different modalities for your convenience: ground coffee, single-serve coffee pods, and instant cold brew sticks. Reach your wellness and more by incorporating the methods from the study and drinking more coffee.
Get to slimming one sip at a time with this Garcinia cambogia-infused “skinny coffee.” Could this be the missing link in your health & wellness regimen? Find out for yourself TODAY.
[1] Fighting obesity with Lower body ft found in female coffee drinkers