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The French Coffee Experience

The French Coffee Experience

While American Coffee is all well and good, it might be a good time for some fun facts with a history lesson about the French influences we keep seeing around coffee. Let's take a trip to the homeland of some of our favorite coffee roasts, France.

History of Coffee in France

Coffee, pronounce as Café in France, is the center of social and culinary life in Paris.

Coffee had been introduced to Paris in 1644, and the first café opened in 1672, but the institution did not become successful until the opening of Café Procope in about 1689.

Cafés became important centers for exchanging news, rumors and ideas, often more reliable than the newspapers of the day. In 1723 there were about 323 cafés in Paris; by 1790 there were more than 1,800. During the French Revolution, the cafés turned into centers of furious political discussion and activity, often led by members of the Revolutionary clubs.

French Roast

French Roast is one of the most recognizable roasts of coffee and is named for its regional roasting style.  It was popular throughout much of Europe around the turn of the 19th-century. Today, the term is used most often when describing almost any dark-roasted coffee.

Sometimes, French roast coffee is also referred to as Turkish roast or as a Dark Roast.

French Vanilla

Vanilla bean varieties are often named for where they're grown, like Madagascar, Tahiti, and Mexico. That's not the case with French vanilla. The name refers not to a vanilla variety but the classic French way of making ice cream using an egg custard base. This egg base gives the French Vanilla a more vibrant, deeper note than what's found in plain vanilla.

When we refer to French vanilla now, it is in reference to the vanilla flavor. Flavorists describe this French Vanilla Flavor as caramelized, custard-like, cooked, egg yolk-like, and slightly floral.

French Press

Many people believe the French press makes the best coffee. These are some reasons why. Paper filters take out flavor and oils. Paper filters in drip machines absorb much of the oil in your coffee grounds. French press doesn’t soak up the flavor and adds tiny bits of coffee grounds in the coffee that percolates flavor. The French Press allows for steeping.

Using a French press means that everything except the ground coffee is in the container. You taste all the flavors, which adds to the experience. You experience the coffee through all five senses.

If you want to try out a French Press for yourself, give it a try with VitaCup's French Vanilla Coffee Pods. Pour 2-3 Pods into your French Press and use as you would usually for the full French Coffee Experience.


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