Introducing VitaCup Madness Flavor Brackets
What are the VitaCup Flavor Brackets?
The VitaCup Madness Flavor Brackets allow our powerhouse flavors to battle it out and see which flavor reigns supreme at the top of this tournament. The flavors are paired against each other each 72 hours for customers to "vote" when they purchase. Each purchase of a flavor counts as a vote, and gives the flavor the chance to proceed to the next round.
What are the different rounds in the brackets?
Each time a flavor wins its matchup, it automatically progresses to the next round. The next round will have new exciting discounts and prizes until the final flavor winner is finally determined.
What about these prizes I've heard about?
In round 1 of the brackets, we will be selecting 16 winners to receive a $25 gift card for each matchup. In order to win the gift card you must purchase that product on the site during the matchup and by 6:30 PM Pacific Time to qualify. We will select the winner at random, publish the winners to our blog, and contact you to issue you a digital gift card.
In each subsequent round we will have fewer, but more valuable prizes. Stay tuned to learn more!
What's the first matchup?
Matchup number 1 has started. It's Gourmet House Blend vs. French Roast. Well matched, the medium roast Gourmet House Blend is a somewhat more subtle in its approach to flavor than French Roast, but both pack a significant punch of flavor and have fans cheering for them during this bout.
How do I save on my VitaCup Bracket purchase now?
Use discount code BRACKET1 for the 25% off discount on these two flavors from March 4 through 11:59 PM March 7, 2018.